Deloitte Partnership


For the past two years now, global business consulting firm, Deloitte, has been helping the Chab Dai organization grow in leaps and bounds. Chab Dai was selected from a pool of 70 other organisations around the world to begin a program that has since led us to be a more professional and sustainable organization. Through regular meetings and workshops, the Deloitte team have helped us to strategically tackle business challenges, and to target organizational growth.

“This has been a truly unique and inspirational experience for us as a grassroots organisation.  Like many other small non-profits, who are often fully focused on their direct projects, we have not had the opportunity to access this level of expertise to grow our organisation competency and not just our program areas. 

 At every stage of this fellowship, our interactions with the D2i team have given us an opportunity to explore more deeply our organisational environment, assess our strengths and weaknesses and to better focus on the areas that require the most support for our future growth and impact.” – Helen Sworn, Chab Dai International Director

 We have been especially grateful for the Deloitte Team’s enthusiasm and commitment in working with us. They have given of their time generously and have readily adapted to our Khmer cultural context.

 After the D2i fellowship workshop, our staff members were in awe of the Deloitte team, saying they were “so professional and coordinated in their presentations”, but also, “friendly and humble.”

 The current growth area Deloitte are targeting is our annual performance review process. We are confident that this will not only impact the Chab Dai organization as a whole, but will work to grow us all as individuals as well. Thank you for all you’ve done for us Deloitte!

Imaginary Friends