A reflection on the last year

When asked to write a reflection on 2021 it would almost be too easy to focus everything on Covid-19, so I will do my best to avoid that, and instead focus on all the new things I have learned. Now of course, there are the obvious things we all learn at the start of a new job – people’s names, best route to the office, which water machine has the coldest drinking water…

I brought my orange scooter all the way from sleepy Siem Reap – learning to drive it in Phnom Penh has been quite the lesson

I brought my orange scooter all the way from sleepy Siem Reap – learning to drive it in Phnom Penh has been quite the lesson.

But I also learned a few things more specific to Chab Dai. For instance, how to run a coalition! Working closely with the Coalition team on their (successful) proposal in my first months was a real eye-opener, as I learned how they bring together 50+ organizations to learn, develop and connect to build the movement (truly a unique project)!

Through regular meetings with the Community Empowerment teams, I learned the importance of supporting existing mechanisms at the community level to strengthen whole villages to protect one another against the risks of trafficking and abuse. While Advocacy project taught me the importance of working closely with the government to strengthen systems (especially the police), so they are able to carry out their work effectively (even as I proofread this, I really realize how sustainable all the projects I have described are – I love it!). 

Learning about team spirit and the weight of my colleagues.

From my experience with the  survivor restoration team, I have learned about the journey survivors take on the road to restoration and I have learned the art of adaptation as the team navigated this already challenging work during a pandemic (I couldn’t avoid mentioning it totally). To think that each project continued to move forward and reach their goals in 2021 is truly inspiring. 

Trying to look natural with the Deputy Head of Programs, but not convinced we pulled it off.

But of course, I work in social impact and it would be dishonest to state that everything is great, because it is not! Justice is difficult, working against trafficking and sexual abuse is complex! We have found gaps in projects and data, we know some projects need to evolve to meet the rights of the communities and survivors we work with – and the best part of all is, Chab Dai acknowledges this and is driven to keep learning and doing better. It is that openness to learning that makes me excited for 2022 – it is going to be an exciting year for our projects and I hope you will all enjoy following our activities and learning with us!

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