We work with partners who are driven to achieve a common goal and contribute resources and mutual accountability to our projects, who support our mission: to end all forms of abuse and modern slavery globally.
We currently work with 52 Coalition partners in Cambodia and 105 partners across 35 countries, who are members of our Global Learning Community (GLC). We also partner with Government organisations, Embassies, Academic Institutions, INGO’s and the private sector.
We believe that true social change will only occur through the innovation of collaboration. By combining the efforts made by various sectors committed to a common agenda, we further our collective impact. We believe that no single organisation or sector can bring an end to human trafficking. Instead, we must collaborate through means such as knowledge and resource sharing, referring cases between organisation partners, and advocating together for positive policy changes on national and international governmental levels.
Please contact us at donate@chabdai.org if you have any questions.