Donate with JustGiving
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Give via Standing Order
We greatly appreciate regular donations and would encourage you to pay by bank standing order having completed a Gift Aid declaration. Links are provided to both forms. It is also possible to Gift Aid single donations using PayPal Giving Fund and Virgin Money Giving. If it is appropriate for your circumstances, do tick the box to say that you want that organisation to recover the tax on behalf of Chab Dai.
For our UK donors: Chab Dai UK exists to raise awareness globally of effective anti-trafficking measures by collaborating with partner organisations. The charity is registered with the Charity Commission for England & Wales with registration number 1188067. The charity is also registered with HM Revenue and Customs for the purposes of recovering tax on Gift Aid donations. The UK Government gives an extra 25% to UK charities for donations made under the Gift Aid scheme so a personal donation of £100 is actually worth £125 to the charity.
Remember in each tax year you must pay Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax to cover the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all your charitable donations (not just those to Chab Dai) else you will be responsible to pay any difference to HMRC.